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6868彩票网nba博彩怎么买(www.judta.com) 脸色「岛鸣国外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」电子竞技在线 www.judta.com皇冠客服飞机:@seo3687 手机彩票获取更多私东谈主岛屿资讯 安格拉杜斯雷斯位于巴西里约热内卢州,是一个以其灿艳海滩和广阔岛屿而闻明的度假胜地。本期共享的这座Angra Island就位于此处。 皇冠体育账号Angra dos Reis, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is renowned as a vacation destination for its beautiful beaches and numerous islands. This edition features Angra Island, situated in this picturesque locale. Angra Island距隔开壁船埠约20分钟的路程,距离里约热内卢市区约150公里,车程苟简为2.5小时。你不错采纳从里约热内卢搭车赶赴安格拉杜斯雷斯,然后通过私东谈主游艇或直升机到达该岛。 Angra Island is approximately 20 minutes by boat from the nearest marina and about 150 kilometers from downtown Rio de Janeiro, a drive of approximately 2.5 hours. You can opt to travel by car from Rio de Janeiro to Angra dos Reis and then reach the island by private yacht or helicopter. 该岛占地约3英亩,四周环绕着剖析的海水,呈现出典型的热带岛屿风光。岛上地形万般,有细致的沙滩、浓密的热带植被以及微微悠扬的小丘。这些地舆特征不仅增强了岛屿的当然好意思感,还为蛊惑提供了万般化的可能性。 皇冠信用正网The island spans roughly 3 acres, surrounded by crystal-clear waters, showcasing typical tropical island scenery. The diverse topography includes fine sandy beaches, dense tropical vegetation, and gently rolling hills. These geographical features not only enhance the island's natural beauty but also offer diverse development opportunities. Angra Island领有精采无比的建筑递次,体现了糜费与悠然。岛上建有两栋特有瞎想的房屋,每栋屋子都设有空调套房,可容纳20东谈主。客厅配备了定制产品和带音响系统的电视电子竞技在线,厨房配有都全的烹调诞生。 最近,一位名叫XXX的体育明星被曝出涉嫌赌博,引起了公众的广泛关注,而皇冠体育博彩公司也因此备受质疑。Each house is adjacent to an open-air swimming pool with stunning sea views, a hot tub, and a shared sauna. The external balconies provide shaded lounging areas with breathtaking views of the mainland mountains. Dining facilities on the island are equally impressive, including a gourmet restaurant and bar, an outdoor kitchen, two barbecue grills, and an oven. 6868彩票网每栋屋子傍边都有一个可玩赏灿艳海景的露天游池塘和一个推拿浴缸,以及一个共用的桑拿房。屋子外部的阳台上都设有遮阳的舒适区,不错看到大陆山脉的灿艳欢喜。岛上的餐饮递次相通丰富,包括一个高档餐厅和酒吧,一个户外厨房以及两个烧烤架和一个烤炉。 Angra Island boasts exquisite architectural amenities that reflect luxury and comfort. There are two uniquely designed houses on the island, each featuring air-conditioned suites that can accommodate up to 20 guests. The living rooms are equipped with custom furniture and TVs with sound systems, while the kitchens are fully outfitted with cooking appliances. 皇冠体育Angra Island的基础递次完备,自力重生。岛上还有两个船埠,可靠岸30至60英尺的游艇,一个直升机停机坪,一个汽艇船库和一个带有大型木制船面的私东谈主海滩。 Angra Island's infrastructure is comprehensive and self-sufficient. The island features two docks that can accommodate yachts between 30 and 60 feet, a helipad, a motorboat garage, and a private beach with a large wooden deck. 安格拉杜斯雷斯算作巴西知名的旅游胜地,旅游业发展速即,改日市集远景精深。Angra Island不仅是一个度假天国,更是一个具有宏大后劲的投资技俩。其特有的地舆位置、丰富的当然资源和完善的基础递次使其成为理思的高端度假地产。 Angra dos Reis is a well-known tourist hotspot in Brazil with rapidly developing tourism and a promising future market. Angra Island is not just a vacation paradise but also a significant investment opportunity. Its unique location, abundant natural resources, and complete infrastructure make it an ideal high-end vacation property. Angra Island现在正在出售中,售价为2800万巴西雷亚尔,约合552万好意思金。如有趣味趣味,接待私信野心。 Angra Island is currently for sale at 28 million Brazilian Reais, approximately 5.52 million USD. If interested, please feel free to send your inquiry. 愿你心爱今天的本色,下期见! Thanks for your time. Until next time! P.S.更多干系信息请脸色「岛鸣国外」视频号 nba博彩怎么买往期精选 皇冠字符0105 Frozen and Alder Cay|一次性领有两座可拎包入住的热带小岛 0104 Juusluoto|曾被国度元首驻守的芬兰优质岛群出售中 0103 Strum Island|可拎包入住的加拿大东岸私东谈主天国 全场盘口0102 Hawk's Nest Cay & South Stirrup Cay|百万好意思金的巴哈马私东谈主岛屿 0101 Pym Island|位于温哥华的迷东谈主小岛 0100 Jewel Point|已获蛊惑批准的巴哈马私东谈主半岛 0099 Island Oasis|领有当代化豪宅的海上绿洲 Global Domain 「岛鸣国外」是私东谈主岛屿活命样子的主见者,竭力于提供公共鸿沟内着实灵验的私东谈主岛屿销售信息及配套就业。在后疫情和地缘政事打破风险加大的新时期配景下,为高净值东谈主群对资金安全和东谈主身安全的双重需求提议改进性的不休决策。 若是你也心爱私东谈主岛屿,脸色我得到更多干系资讯! 发布于:英国罗纳尔多-迪科努效力于我们球队陕西长安竞技。罗马尼亚主队近日公布了主队名单电子竞技在线,罗纳尔多却不在名单之列,这让他既愤怒又失望。罗纳尔多在接受采访时说,当地球队忘记了他,因为他为我们效力。 |